We began in April of 1984 from a group of Arm Wrestlers, Power Lifters and people who just wanted to stay in shape.
We had very few Store bought equipment. After producing several world champions with our home made plates , dumbbells and equipment gradually evolved to competitive Strong Men and Women, Appalachian trail hikers, 100 mile runners and most of all
‘People who just love to get and stay in shape’.
Because we’ve been around so long, we prize our seniors who give us our strength (and lots of jabs) by showing up every morning to exercise and visit.
Staying true to our heritage, you can still “Bang it out” with our amazing supply of free weights and top of the line Hammer Strength Equipment Line or use our Life Fitness and Cybex selectorized equipment to circuit train or rehabilitation .
To the left we have a picture of Joe Frye and Tommy Saunders “The ARM” working out after placing First and Fifth respectively in the World Championship held in Tokyo